Thursday, September 20, 2007

Well, Thank Goodness for That!

So, they couldn't end the Occupation of Iraq. They couldn't restore Habeas Corpus. They decided they actually supported torture, indefinite detentions without due process and eavesdropping on American Citizens without judicial oversight.

But in the grand scheme of things, what matters is protecting Military Leaders from criticism or insult. And when it came to an opportunity to grandstand without actually accomplishing anything, the Senate outdid themselves today with a Condemnation of a paid advertisment run in the NY Times, an action of precisely zero consequence.

This is so disgusting, so silly, so embarrassingly inconsequential, so blatantly a political game, it gives me gas. It's come to this. The legislative branch of the US Government has lost the ability to have any effect on events. They are clearly powerless in matters of state. And they are reduced to ideological pedagogy of the most flaccid kind.

The Republicans are just playing a game, fiddling while Rome burns. The Democrats have no spine, no heart, no soul and cannot find a way to even try to be relavant. The US is facing some of the most serious challenges in her history, and this is how the government responds. Never mind the eyes of the world, Senator. History will not judge you kindly.


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